Title: Super Rich

Episodes: 11

Genre: Office, Business, Drama, Romance

Story: 5 out of 10

Characters: 6 out of 10

Cinematography: 5 out of 10

Japanese Drama Super Rich is a drama of wasted potentials

Poster of the Japanese Drama Super Rich
Poster of the Japanese Drama Super Rich


Mamaru has never experienced money problems, until her best friend and coworker, Ryo, steals all her company's money and disappears. Now Mamaru has to find a way to save her beloved business, with the help of her employees and a young man, Yu, whom she had turned down for the position of intern.

Japanese Drama Super Rich is a business drama with a focus on romance and a forced love triangle.

The drama offers plenty of twists when it comes to the business field. Mamaru's company keeps going under and she has to find money every time. And she always gets betrayed by those close to her. And yes, it was intriguing at first, as Mamaru was navigating her way through her rich class, while she starts to understand that everyone around her put money over sentiment.

However, those twists kept happening in repetition that got tiring to watch. Thus, the office drama got stale and boring.

Unfortunately, the romance was not well handled, thus, it failed to save the business plotline. It was too sudden, failing to build strong dynamics from the start, and having few romantic moments to boot.

As for the love triangle, it did give some thrilling hype to the main love story, but that didn't last for long. In the end, it was just another predictable trop.

The leading lady of the Japanese Drama Super Rich
The leading lady of the Japanese Drama Super Rich


Mamaru is a businesswoman who is coming from a rich family, even though she lost her parents when she was a kid. She always keeps to herself, as she only trusts a few people around her.

Eguchi Noriko gave an enjoyable performance.

Watch Eguchi Noriko's other drama JDrama #Remolove

Yu is a young man who is struggling financially. Though he has a loving family, he has sacrificed his studies in order to support them, and he is desperate to get a job. That is when he meets Mamaru.

Akaso Eiji was very energetic as Yu.

Watch Akaso Eiji's in his other role inJDrama : Nee Sensei, Shiranai No?

Sora works for Mamaru and he is completely loyal to her after she has rescued him in the past. He is in love with her and he is always there for her despite her business problems.

Machida Keita did a great job as a second lead.

Watch Machida Keita's other works JDrama High&Low, JDrama Chugakusei Nikki and JDrama Alice in Borderland

The main character of the Japanese Drama Super Rich
The main character of the Japanese Drama Super Rich


The drama had an interesting way of opening each episode, with the final scene of each one, however, that didn't work to its advantage completely. The pace was rather slow at times too, and hectic at others.


My overall rating for the Japanese Drama Super Rich is 3 out of 10. The drama had an interesting start, but had little to offer later on.

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Take a peek at the trailer of the Japanese Drama Super Rich

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