PLDT and Smart scale up their mental health initiatives online, linking up with more advocacy
groups, organizations, and local government units (LGUs).

Through the Group's collaborative platform Better Today, long-time mental health advocate
Alyannah Lagasca joined Smart's #CyberSmart Cyber Security Beyond Digital event, which
aimed to educate students and teachers on how to protect themselves in the digital space.

As National Chairperson of the Youth for Mental Health Coalition (Y4MH). Lagasca shared how
it is important to drive conversations on mental health awareness in order to break the stigma.

"Remember to reach out for help when you need to. Don't be afraid to seek professional mental
health care. Recognizing that we need help is a form of strength because we acknowledge that
there are things that we need to improve on. With this, we can come up with ways to fix our
problems and be better," Lagasca said.

Lagasca underscored the multi-sectoral approach when it comes to mental health. This includes
the three important aspects of the self-society system. According to Alyannah, it is important to take
care of ourselves in order to reach our goals, be better versions of ourselves, and show
kindness towards other people. When it comes to society and systems, our social interactions
and institutionalized policies have an impact on strengthening our mental well-being.

Meanwhile, parent and advocate Joy Ortega co-developed a mental health program with PLDT
and Smart called, "Kamusta Ka, eLyU?": Better Today Conversations on Mental Health
Awareness. The pilot episode of the monthly conversations series was streamed last
September 28. Speakers included mental health professionals Prixies Sambrano, a registered
psychometrician from the Provincial Health Office of La Union, Dr. Kathryn Tan from the
National Center for Mental Health, and singer-songwriter and fellow advocate Claudia Barretto.
The next "Kamusta Ka, eLyU?" episode will focus on "Resilience", which talks about overcoming
adversities, mental struggles, and distress, especially amid the pandemic.
PLDT and Smart seek to uplift and improve the overall physical and mental wellness of Filipinos
through initiatives that also ensure food security, improve nutrition, and create awareness
These initiatives emphasize the commitment of PLDT and Smart to the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being.