Title: The Penthouse 3, The Penthouse Season 3, The Penthouse 3: War in Life

Episodes: 14

Genre: Melodrama, Thriller, Romance, Drama, Family, Crime, Suspense

Story: 5 out of 10

Characters: 6 out of 10

Cinematography: 6 out of 10

The third season of the Korean Drama Penthouse didn't live up to the expectations.

The leading lady of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3
The leading lady of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3


After Soo Ryun has finally completed her revenge, she believes that everyone got what they deserved. However, her ex-husband won't give up that easily. Not will the residents of Hera palace, who want to take back their lives and fortunes.

Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3 had a plethora of twists and plenty of action, however, it failed to keep the interest high till the end.

Actually, the ending was disappointing. It was almost a happy one, sure, but, even though the whole drama was edging the borders of ridiculous, the ending manages to cross it.

And the romance did not help with that ending, as it was weak and not as easy to support. That is, the couple didn't have the intensity and chemistry to support the image of a great love story that the drama wanted, and probably needed, to present.

As for the intrigue and criminal activity of the rest of the characters, it was more like a 'been there, seen that'. Some twists were repeated and most of the story felt stale, even though the drama didn't hesitate to eliminate a lot of the characters.

The characters of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3
The characters of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3


I will write about the characters that I haven't analyzed in the previous posts for the rest of the Penthouse seasons. If you want to check them out, you can read about them here KDrama The Penthouse 2: War in Life and KDrama The Penthouse: War in Life

Yoon Chul is Seo Jin's ex-husband. He chose her over Yoon Hee in order to support his medical career, but he never ceased to love and feel bad about his choice. Therefore, he tries to keep his own voice and self-esteem in a world of power and money.

Yoon Jong Hoon tried his best with his character, but sometimes his performance was a bit over the top.

Check out Yoon Jong Hoon's other dramas KDrama Extraordinary You, KDrama Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung, KDrama The Last Empress and KDrama Find me in your memory

Ma Ri is trying to hide his real life, as she pretends to be rich and in a happy marriage, when, in reality, she is working in a sauna and her husband is in jail. And, when it comes to her daughter, she is willing to go into extremities.

Shin Eun Kyung had smooth character development and she did great with her performance.

Watch Shin Eun Kyung in her other drama KDrama The Last Empress

Gyu Jin is an elite lawyer who uses his family's money and power and he hasn't really achieved anything on his own. He is arrogant and selfish and he doesn't care what he does as long as he gets what he wants.

Bong Tae Kyung was the comedy relief of the drama.

The main character of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3
The main character of the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3


The drama didn't offer anything new to the mix and kept the elitism and thriller atmosphere till the very end.


My overall rating for the Korean Drama The Penthouse Season 3 is 6 out of 10. The drama wasn't as good as the rest of the seasons.

Take a peek at the trailer for the last season of the Korean Drama The Penthouse War in Life

disclaim: none of the images and videos used in this post are mine. credits to the owners. click on them to get their links.

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