Over the weekend, Akshay Kumar announced the theatrical release date of Sooryavanshi, Prithviraj, Raksha Bandhan and Ram Setu. Soon after, in an interview with Hindustan Times, Akshay informed that they are contemplating on a direct to digital release for Aanand L Rai's Atrangi Re featuring him alongside Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. And now, we have exclusively learnt that the makers have decided for a direct to digital premiere on Netflix.
"The film release calendar is packed with a new release every week. Atrangi Re is not exactly a big-ticket film and hence, the makers have been discussing different modes of release over the last few months. Even though cinema halls have opened up across the country, the team feels, a direct OTT release will enable Atrangi Re to reach out to it's target audience in a better way," revealed a source close to the development.
The paperwork is still pending; however, the makers are on the verge of closing in their conversations with Netflix. "The release date and other aspects will be locked soon. While Atrangi Re has decided for a direct to digital release, Akshay's second collaboration with Aanand L Rai, Raksha Bandhan is poised for a theatrical release on August 11," the source added. Atrangi Re would be Akshay's second direct to digital release after Raghava Lawrence directed Laxmi.
Talking about Akshay's line up, he is by far the busiest actor in Bollywood with films like Sooryavanshi, Prithviraj, Bachchan Pandey, Raksha Bandhan, Ram Setu, Oh My God 2, Cinderella, under his kitty. He is expected to start his digital debut, The End for Amazon Prime, from the month of March 2022. There's also a comedy film with Priyadarshan in the works, but the shooting timelines are yet undecided. The Khiladi is also doing a film with his Good Newwz director, Raj Mehta and discussing another human drama (more on this soon) to kick off from summer 2022.
Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates.
via Pinkvilla
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