I read Tier One by Cindy Gunderson, and I found the dystopian romance novel entertaining and thought-provoking. I can't stop thinking about the main character, Kate.

About Story:

Kate works as a health care worker and is a mother of two boys named Tal and Bentley. She paired with Eric, who is a researcher in genetics and the father of her children. Paired means married in the novel. Kate and her family live in the Tier One System, which means they get the best of everything because of their genes and behavior by following the rules.

In the novel, the society is structured in three zones: Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. In Tier Two, people get fewer supplies and have fewer freedoms because of their behavior and genetic structure. Tier Three for the undesirable people that have no future within the society. And the others don't obey the laws. The inhabitants of Tier Three only received necessary supplies.

People only live in their forties because of cancer. And if a person rarely reaches fifty because the cancer rate is so high.

A little backstory, a virus that swept through the world, causing governments to meltdown as society fell apart. A man named Berg rose, taking control and eventually creating the Tier system that Kate lives in.

Kate was born in Tier One and conditioned to obey, and sacrifice so society can improve. (By sacrificing denies what is best for the individual to improve society.)

About the Plot:

While at work, Kate meets a young man named Nick, and she has an immediate attraction for him, but she loves Eric and committed to him. Until Eric makes a breakthrough discovery in his research on genetics, how to eradicate cancer that changes Kate's life forever.

My Thoughts:

One day, I was on Facebook, and I saw this ad for Tier One. What intrigued me about this novel that the book was advertised as a clean romance, meaning no sex scenes. I brought the novel because I found the story about a woman who was a mother, health worker, and wife intriguing. Kate was no teenager trying to save her world from a powerful government. She was just a mom wanting what was best for her family, her marriage, and herself.

The novel is told from Kate's point of view that pulled me into the story. I would like to have more detailed descriptions of places. For the descriptions were short and vague. The dialogue was excellent, and I loved the narration too. I keep thinking about Kate and her struggles and what will happen to Kate and her family in the next book called Tier Two. Yes, I am planning on reading the next book.

My rating:

I give Tier One four stars because the descriptions were lacking, for I had a tough time seeing Kate's world in my mind. The author did an excellent job on dialogue and kept the pace going throughout the novel and how she foreshadowed certain events. Gunderson carefully took her time about revealing the backstory of Kate's world and her personal history, too.

This novel is available on Amazon and now available on Unlimited Kindled.

Have you read Tier One? Or are you planning on reading Tier One? Let me know in the comments.