The thread is now open for spoilers, discussions, and analyses.
This is a safe space for Flower Gardeners.
1. This is a tiresome reminder but it has to be said. Every week, I tell Winter Gardeners and IkJun shippers to go away.

But every week, they come around, read my blog, try to posts insults, and demand that I close my blog. They're a bunch of angry birds cuckoos.

This is one of the few sites where Flower Gardeners can chat, discuss, theorize, and analyze the show without fear of being ridiculed, attacked and/or DOXXED for having a different opinion. Winter Gardeners and Ikjun+Songhwa shippers are NOT allowed on this blog. For one, they already dominate the other sites. For another, I don't associate with people who participate in cyberbullying.

2. @nrllee and @miracle23 are in charge of passwords. They can be reached at bodflowergarden at
However, to save you the trouble, I can tell you that we aren't giving out the password to new posters. It's a bit too late. But you aren't missing out on the key points since we still post out here in the Housekeeping/Open Threads.
3. As I said before, I'm not psychic. I can't predict what the director and writer will do after this hiatus. If they change direction to give in to the demands of the WG and IkSong fangirls, then I'm willing to part ways with them. I've a categorical viewpoint on what constitutes a loving relationship and satisfying union. There's no way on earth I'll accept Jang for JW, and IkJun for Songhwa.

From Episode 1:

From Episode 2:

From Episode 3:

From Episode 4:

From Episode 5:

From Episode 6:

Episode 7: ??
Let's wait and see.
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