Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Keep Your Momentum Going
How to be more zen
01 Launching in a brand new sector Having simultaneously quit their jobs in tech in May 2019, friends Kevin Lee and Kevin Chanthasiriphan decided to take the plunge in a sector they knew nothing about – instant ramen. They share how they did it, and the lessons they learned along the way. Having simultaneously quit their jobs in tech in May 2019, friends Kevin Lee and Kevin Chanthasiriphan decided to take the plunge in a sector they knew nothing about – instant ramen. They share how they did it, and the lessons they learned along the way. 02 How to find more joy in your work Most of us could probably stand to find more pleasure in what we do. We caught up with one leading thinker in the world of work who outlined three simple approaches: reframing, connectedness and practice. Most of us could probably stand to find more pleasure in what we do. We caught up with one leading thinker in the world of work who outlined three simple approaches: reframing, connectedness and practice. 03 The 411 on revenue-based financing When it comes to raising cash for a business, one option continuing to gather momentum is revenue-based financing. Here’s a swift overview to get you up to speed. When it comes to raising cash for a business, one option continuing to gather momentum is revenue-based financing. Here’s a swift overview to get you up to speed. 04 Journaling your way to self-reflection Besides taking the occasional pause, one of the best ways to slow down and think deeply about what you’re doing (and why) is keeping a journal. We outline two key journaling ‘systems’ for you to check out. Besides taking the occasional pause, one of the best ways to slow down and think deeply about what you’re doing (and why) is keeping a journal. We outline two key journaling ‘systems’ for you to check out. 05 So, you think you need help with your brand? Unless you’re a Jack of all trades, it’s likely you’ll lack certain skills to bring all the elements of your brand to life. Here are some things you’ll need to ask yourself before looking externally for help. Unless you’re a Jack of all trades, it’s likely you’ll lack certain skills to bring all the elements of your brand to life. Here are some things you’ll need to ask yourself before looking externally for help. | |||||||
Our flagship newsletter is packed full of business opportunities, tips and tricks to work smarter, and inspiration on how to live a life on your own terms. We take one essential business concept and break it down into a digestible format – including key terms, perspectives and useful tools. | |||||||
Opportunities ripe for the taking Start a venture, invest in another. Here’s the 101.
chinesedramaost posted: " https://youtu.be/2EM7iuA28ZU Native Title: 你是我的荣耀Also Known As: You're My Glory , Ni Shi W...
Ali Khan posted: "Mexico" Respond to this post by replying above this line ...